Zman goes on tour!!!

This is a blog dedicated to the concert travels of Zman, world record holder for most concerts ever attended, most DAT tapes recorded on, most miles traveled after 1 am, etc.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Outformation/Porter-Batiste-Stoltz New Orleans 4-28-2005

Subject: Outformation/Porter-Batiste-Stoltz New Orleans 4-28-2005
> Hey Y'All,
> Let us welcome the newest member on the Z-Man Chronicles list, Cheryl, from Auburn! How is that Dr. Crawford? A very interesting day to say the least. I landed in Mobile and my car was right there in the front row. I stopped at DQ for a treat, and large sundaes were on sale for $.99. I then stopped in Biloxi to try and earn my ticket money. In 17 minutes, I raised $78.00 at the Imperial Palace and back on the road as I had a show or two, or three to do. I talked Chip into coming in a day early and he stayed with me over at Michelle's. He crossed Mississippi on I59 as I disected it on I10. We were within 5 miles when we approached Slidell. He followed me in and we stopped at the house to unload. We went by the Maple Leaf and Jaquemoe's in hopes of dinner. Yeah right, only 200 people waiting to eat. We went over to Southport to scope out the scene for the PBS show. I went inside and made friends with Jay, the soundman. I talked my way into a board patch. The only problem, they were coming on around 10:45 and Sam and Outformation were starting at 10:30.
> On the way out of Southport, I noticed a bunch of people with laminates and stickies, munching on 2 big boxes of crawfish, Jambalaya, and red b potatoes. As most of you know, some people eat to live, but I live to eat! Act like you know what you're doing....and join the party. We pounded crawfish for about 30 minutes. I grabbed a bowl of Jambalaya and off we went to the Maple Leaf. I got there in time to say hey to Sam and set up off the board. I ran the band's cd burner out of my DAP1. As soon as they started, I adjusted levels and left Chip to watch the deck. I got in Chip's car and drove to Southport Hall. I set up my d8 off the board and in 10 minutes, I was running tape! Back to the Maple Leaf to see the Outformation set. It lasted a bit over 80 minutes, 2 cds by a just a bit. Peanut Daniels sat in for a few songs and I will tell you, the new material sounds great. I love the "Take me Back to Tennessee. Way to go Sammy!
> I got us over to the PBS show in a few minutes where we met Michelle. These guys can throw down the funk! A nice Cissy Strut out of the opening jam. I enjoyed the Got My Name up in Lights, We're Bringin' the Noise, and We Want to get Funky Tonight. They played about a 2 hour set. So, 2 shows, 2 different bands, 2 soundboards, 2 different venues at the same time. Yes! It can be done, right Indy Chris?
> Here is a show I got shut out of tickets for:
> Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - 2May05
> 01 I'm So Glad
> 02 Spoonful
> 03 Outside Woman Blues
> 04 Pressed Rat and Wart Hog
> 05 Sleepy Time, Time
> 06 NSU
> 07 Badge
> 08 Politician
> 09 Sweet Wine
> 10 Rollin' & Tumblin'
> 11 Stormy Monday
> 12 Deserted Cities of the Heart
> 13 Born Under a Bad Sign
> 14 We're Going Wrong
> 15 Crossroads
> 16 Sitting on Top of the World
> 17 White Room
> 18 Toad
> 19 Sunshine of Your Love (Encore)
> Late,
> Z-Man


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