Zman goes on tour!!!

This is a blog dedicated to the concert travels of Zman, world record holder for most concerts ever attended, most DAT tapes recorded on, most miles traveled after 1 am, etc.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Widespread Panic Chicago 4/7/2005

Widespread Panic Chicago 4/7/2005 >
Hey Y'All,

It took some finagling, but I couldn't see missing these shows after actually getting my mail order filled! I ended up staying at work until 3:30 am(17 1/2 hour day) on Wednesday to finish inventory so I could take a 3 hour nap and drive 6 1/2 to Chicago yesterday. Got to town and landed at Jeff's Palace by 3:00. Went down to Govner's bar and ran into a bunch of Freaks before the show. Tim actually scored 3 tickets in the 3rd row outside the venue! Nice work! Getting into the venue was not the nicest experience to say the least! As we were getting ready to enter, a security guard warned us, no backpacks allowed! They were not kidding! Charles had to unload everything. He asked the one guard if my bag was small enough and he said okay. I took some of his stuff with mine. We got in and set up shop in the 16th row.> > The boys hit the stage pretty close to starting time, must be a curfew thing! JB and Dave were not on stage at the beginning so they opened with a 3 1/2 minute jam. The first set was well played. The new songs are now part of the regular rotation. I'm glad I finally got a Conrad. I do like the Good People. That and 2nd skin are very good tunes. I am not nuts about hearing Don't Wanna Lose you, did lead to Conrad! I thought the Blight and Casa were awesome!> > Why do they have to open up with Give (it up)? It's not a good bathroom song as it is short enough that you may miss the next song. Again, the Ride Me High had a long intro, 4:40. Dave tore this song up! The Ribs and Whiskey smoked! Nice nasty slide licks. Papa's Home was right on! What can you say about the pairing of the encore except SWEET! After the show, a trip to Pete's room to party then off to Greek Town with Papa Joe and Jeff!> >

Here is how it went down:> >
Widespread Panic> Chicago Theatre>
Chicago, Illinois> 4/7/2005>

7:09> > JAM(No JB or Dave) 3:25> THIN AIR> 5:01> MINI DRUMS> 1:00> THIN AIR> 4:09> BLIGHT> 7:56> IMMITATION LEATHER SHOES 4:10> GOOD PEOPLE 5:00> CASA DEL GRILLOS 8:15> NIKITINA> 5:24> DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU> 9:33> CONRAD 8:01> > 8:10 (1:01:35)> > 8:37> > GIVE> 5:57> PIGEONS> 9:08> RIDE ME HIGH> 15:46 > THAT THANG> 7:00> RIBS AND WHISKEY 6:25> TRAVELIN' MAN> 8:38> LET HER CRY> 9:55> PAPA'S HOME> 7:30> DRUM SOLO> 1:21> PAPA'S HOME> 1:01> AIN'T LIFE GRAND 4:40> > 9:54 (2:19:19)> > 9:57> > STONE ME> 6:20> KNOCKIN' AROUND THE ZOO 6:13> > 10:09 (2:31:52)> >



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