Widespread Panic Atlanta 5/9/2006
> Hey Y'All,
> Night two at the Fox. First, a short story of how we got tickets. Back in March, Chris wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. I told her to get me Fox tix when they go on sale. Tall order.Chris was picking me up at the airport the Saturday tix went on sale. I asked her to bring her laptop as a backup. My plane was due in at 8:55 am. I touched down 5 minutes early. Then the heartache. I called Chris from the plane. There was a plane at our gate, and we waited, and waited. After 40 minutes, we pulled in. I got to the terminal at 9:50. I said screw the luggage. She asked me what the backup plan was. It was hitting the Courtyard south right by the airport. Been there before and knew there was a biz center. I had my laptop also. Plugged in at 2 minutes til. I got tix for the first night. Chris got bounced 2 or 3 times. She finally got in. I looked over her shoulder and saw CCC! I said buy those Mother #^^%$@^%'s, they are in the pit! She said, with those tix, I am going with you, yes!
> Lots of anticipation. Tim, Zee, and I hung out all day at the house. Chris got home from work mid-afternoon, and we prepared for the evening's festivities. We headed down and stopped by a few rooms at the Georgian Terrace. I talked with Jon from Tampa the night before. He had pit tix and was taping. I called him to find out how the sound was, and also how his recording came out. He told me they would not allow him to bring gear in the pit. We shall see! We got in at about 7:20 (4:20 in California)! As I got to the pit, the ushers told me I could not bring in my equipment. I told them the policy is tape from your seat, and I bought these tix almost 2 months ago. I told them if they can put me in the 10-15th row DFC, I would gladly go there, otherwise I am recording in the pit! The guy said the equipment would get damaged. I said, that was my problem and responsibility! I asked for my wristband and told them I was recording from MY seat. Well, it turns out that there is no AAA row. The BBB row is only about 20 seats, so where I was, it was in the front row! I borrowed C. Fox's MK2S omni's and set up directly in front of Dave. As they came on, i had a surrealistic feeling! Wow, what a spot to be in! In my mind I was a child, and it felt good! Mike Aaron and Neil Rainwater were about 6 seats to the left of us. The pit rocked as you could feel the floor move by the mic stand. Dave ripped my face off all night. We made eye contact several times. He was checking Chris out as she was wearing a Jerry tour shirt from 1987.
> The show itself was great. Being up there, the setlist didn't seem to matter as much as usual. The experience was priceless. There was a lot of sound coming off the stage. The vocals were a tad thin, but the music sounded great. The string section was a nice touch. Randall and the Brambletts were also a nice addition. They jammed out nicely. There was a video camera on a swing that cleared my mic stand by about 8 inches as I had it up about 8 feet. The opener From the Cradle has the potential of being big. I knew we were going to hear a bunch of the new stuff. The Crazy kinda reminded me of Hope in a Hopeless World. I actually said that we may very well get the new album in it's entirety for the 1st set. As soon as they started Travelin' Man, I knew we would get a Vacation and called it to my neighbors. The jam out of it was awesome! Who couldn't love the Gradle, I thought of you Kelly. Not a Big Bust fan from the first time I saw it in Texas, but even less of a Don't Wanna Lose You fan. Ouch. The Chainsaw made up for it though. Great set ender!
> One of the surprises of the night was the only 18 minute set break, barely time to pee. The Let's Get Down to Biz was a great way to kick off the set. Barstools is always great to hear. The last couple were played with Sam Holt's assistance. George was up to the task. The Drivin'>Second Skin sandwich was great with the strings! Soory, but May Your Ass Be Filled is an anchor weight. I still say it is like an Old Joe on Prozac. I liked the jazzed up version of Time Zones with the horns. Greta was funky, and I watched and listened to Dave play the basslines to Arlene for at least a minute plus at the end. Not crazy about the new metamorphis of Good People. My favorite versions are still with Jojo singing lead last spring. Tall Boy rocked the house. I looked at my watch and it was only 11:00. I guess with the theatres, it was an earlier show. I have seen a few versions of None of us Are Free, but this one smoked. George and John traded some tasty chops on this one. I called the City as I was hoping for Keane to play the steel. The real surprise was the Walkin'! Hadn't seen this one for 4 years. There was a point in the mid to late nineties, where I was sick of this one. I used to tell people I had been to 95 Panic shows, and seen 96 Walkin's! Tonight, it was just right. Zee snuck into the pit and saw half the second set before getting bounced by Judith, the usher. She was very cool by letting him hang for a while. My only disparaging comment was why were there so many repeats this night from Raleigh. With only 4 shows for an entire tour, there shouldn't be any repeats. I was expecting Second Skin only. Candace was great on lights. I thanked her the first night and told her I saw and spoke to Donna Jean at Smith's the night before. She got a chuckle out of that. Chris had the room sounding like, well, the FOX! Sam and crew had the stage all under control as usual. I got several text's(Carrington for one), from some of you that I was seen at the theatres, pretty funny stuff. I heard from several folks at different theatres that the sound was great. All in all, agreat evening up front in the Pit with my beautiful wife! Great neighbors(new friends Jason and Julia), great sound, lots of partying with out a problem! Great hangin' with all of you, too many to mention, but you know who you are! A nice delayed Birthday present! I had an absolute blast!
> Here is how it went down:
> Widespread Panic
> Fabulous Fox Theatre
> Atlanta, Georgia
> 5/9/2006
> 8:02
> From The Cradle> 4:50
> Pigeons 8:41
> Solid Rock 6:24
> *Ribs And Whiskey 6:24
> *Crazy 4:57
> *Travelin' Man> 5:42
> #Vacation 12:18
> @Gradle> 4:35
> @Bust It Big 8:52
> Don't Wanna Lose You> 6:04
> Chainsaw City*
> 9:19
> 9:37
> Let's Get Down To Business> 4:52
> Barstools and Dreamers 9:49
> $Driving Song > 4:40
> $Second Skin> 12:03
> $Driving Song > 2:23
> $May Your Glass Be Filled 4:33
> $Time Zones 6:13
> @Greta > 8:58
> Drums > 5:38
> @You Should Be Glad> 12:05
> @Good People > 6:01
> @Tall Boy 5:00
> 10:59
> 11:04
> *None of Us Are Free
> #City of Dreams 6:04
> #Walkin' (For Your Love) 5:30
> 11:23
> * with John Keane on guitar
> # with John Keane on pedal steel
> @ with Randall Bramblett & the Brambletts on horns
> $with Phuket Chamber Orchestra
> FOB/FOS/DRFC/KFC/ZFC Front Row of Pit
> Schoeps MK2S>KC5>CMC6>Sound Devices 722 24-96!
> Hey Y'All,
> Night two at the Fox. First, a short story of how we got tickets. Back in March, Chris wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. I told her to get me Fox tix when they go on sale. Tall order.Chris was picking me up at the airport the Saturday tix went on sale. I asked her to bring her laptop as a backup. My plane was due in at 8:55 am. I touched down 5 minutes early. Then the heartache. I called Chris from the plane. There was a plane at our gate, and we waited, and waited. After 40 minutes, we pulled in. I got to the terminal at 9:50. I said screw the luggage. She asked me what the backup plan was. It was hitting the Courtyard south right by the airport. Been there before and knew there was a biz center. I had my laptop also. Plugged in at 2 minutes til. I got tix for the first night. Chris got bounced 2 or 3 times. She finally got in. I looked over her shoulder and saw CCC! I said buy those Mother #^^%$@^%'s, they are in the pit! She said, with those tix, I am going with you, yes!
> Lots of anticipation. Tim, Zee, and I hung out all day at the house. Chris got home from work mid-afternoon, and we prepared for the evening's festivities. We headed down and stopped by a few rooms at the Georgian Terrace. I talked with Jon from Tampa the night before. He had pit tix and was taping. I called him to find out how the sound was, and also how his recording came out. He told me they would not allow him to bring gear in the pit. We shall see! We got in at about 7:20 (4:20 in California)! As I got to the pit, the ushers told me I could not bring in my equipment. I told them the policy is tape from your seat, and I bought these tix almost 2 months ago. I told them if they can put me in the 10-15th row DFC, I would gladly go there, otherwise I am recording in the pit! The guy said the equipment would get damaged. I said, that was my problem and responsibility! I asked for my wristband and told them I was recording from MY seat. Well, it turns out that there is no AAA row. The BBB row is only about 20 seats, so where I was, it was in the front row! I borrowed C. Fox's MK2S omni's and set up directly in front of Dave. As they came on, i had a surrealistic feeling! Wow, what a spot to be in! In my mind I was a child, and it felt good! Mike Aaron and Neil Rainwater were about 6 seats to the left of us. The pit rocked as you could feel the floor move by the mic stand. Dave ripped my face off all night. We made eye contact several times. He was checking Chris out as she was wearing a Jerry tour shirt from 1987.
> The show itself was great. Being up there, the setlist didn't seem to matter as much as usual. The experience was priceless. There was a lot of sound coming off the stage. The vocals were a tad thin, but the music sounded great. The string section was a nice touch. Randall and the Brambletts were also a nice addition. They jammed out nicely. There was a video camera on a swing that cleared my mic stand by about 8 inches as I had it up about 8 feet. The opener From the Cradle has the potential of being big. I knew we were going to hear a bunch of the new stuff. The Crazy kinda reminded me of Hope in a Hopeless World. I actually said that we may very well get the new album in it's entirety for the 1st set. As soon as they started Travelin' Man, I knew we would get a Vacation and called it to my neighbors. The jam out of it was awesome! Who couldn't love the Gradle, I thought of you Kelly. Not a Big Bust fan from the first time I saw it in Texas, but even less of a Don't Wanna Lose You fan. Ouch. The Chainsaw made up for it though. Great set ender!
> One of the surprises of the night was the only 18 minute set break, barely time to pee. The Let's Get Down to Biz was a great way to kick off the set. Barstools is always great to hear. The last couple were played with Sam Holt's assistance. George was up to the task. The Drivin'>Second Skin sandwich was great with the strings! Soory, but May Your Ass Be Filled is an anchor weight. I still say it is like an Old Joe on Prozac. I liked the jazzed up version of Time Zones with the horns. Greta was funky, and I watched and listened to Dave play the basslines to Arlene for at least a minute plus at the end. Not crazy about the new metamorphis of Good People. My favorite versions are still with Jojo singing lead last spring. Tall Boy rocked the house. I looked at my watch and it was only 11:00. I guess with the theatres, it was an earlier show. I have seen a few versions of None of us Are Free, but this one smoked. George and John traded some tasty chops on this one. I called the City as I was hoping for Keane to play the steel. The real surprise was the Walkin'! Hadn't seen this one for 4 years. There was a point in the mid to late nineties, where I was sick of this one. I used to tell people I had been to 95 Panic shows, and seen 96 Walkin's! Tonight, it was just right. Zee snuck into the pit and saw half the second set before getting bounced by Judith, the usher. She was very cool by letting him hang for a while. My only disparaging comment was why were there so many repeats this night from Raleigh. With only 4 shows for an entire tour, there shouldn't be any repeats. I was expecting Second Skin only. Candace was great on lights. I thanked her the first night and told her I saw and spoke to Donna Jean at Smith's the night before. She got a chuckle out of that. Chris had the room sounding like, well, the FOX! Sam and crew had the stage all under control as usual. I got several text's(Carrington for one), from some of you that I was seen at the theatres, pretty funny stuff. I heard from several folks at different theatres that the sound was great. All in all, agreat evening up front in the Pit with my beautiful wife! Great neighbors(new friends Jason and Julia), great sound, lots of partying with out a problem! Great hangin' with all of you, too many to mention, but you know who you are! A nice delayed Birthday present! I had an absolute blast!
> Here is how it went down:
> Widespread Panic
> Fabulous Fox Theatre
> Atlanta, Georgia
> 5/9/2006
> 8:02
> From The Cradle> 4:50
> Pigeons 8:41
> Solid Rock 6:24
> *Ribs And Whiskey 6:24
> *Crazy 4:57
> *Travelin' Man> 5:42
> #Vacation 12:18
> @Gradle> 4:35
> @Bust It Big 8:52
> Don't Wanna Lose You> 6:04
> Chainsaw City*
> 9:19
> 9:37
> Let's Get Down To Business> 4:52
> Barstools and Dreamers 9:49
> $Driving Song > 4:40
> $Second Skin> 12:03
> $Driving Song > 2:23
> $May Your Glass Be Filled 4:33
> $Time Zones 6:13
> @Greta > 8:58
> Drums > 5:38
> @You Should Be Glad> 12:05
> @Good People > 6:01
> @Tall Boy 5:00
> 10:59
> 11:04
> *None of Us Are Free
> #City of Dreams 6:04
> #Walkin' (For Your Love) 5:30
> 11:23
> * with John Keane on guitar
> # with John Keane on pedal steel
> @ with Randall Bramblett & the Brambletts on horns
> $with Phuket Chamber Orchestra
> FOB/FOS/DRFC/KFC/ZFC Front Row of Pit
> Schoeps MK2S>KC5>CMC6>Sound Devices 722 24-96!
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